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I hope that this will enable you to offer quality racing.

In case you can not find the item you're looking for, do not hesitate to contact me, I will try to solve it.


arr3New Recek chassis 2020Added new chassis from Recek - ES 24, ES 32, F1, ESG12, Club 21.... arr33.2.2017Added body Alfa R Giulia ISRA 2017 RedFox, RedFox braids, pinions from ARP.... arr320.1.2017Added body F1/32 Kolhoza, Hudy tire truer, driver for hard bodies, new pictures of Carsteen... arr3Website is upgrading nowNew design, new system, new items, new pictures.... arr3New products!!!New body for Production 1/24 for ISRA is available now. Also I added very interesting power supply... arr3ESHOP is open!!!The store is now fully functional and it can already process orders. Photos and texts will be added.... arr3New ESHOP Attan Slot RacingAfter a long pause launched a new e-shop.E-Shop is now fully functional. Most items are already...


our price 5.00 EUR


Will you be attending the championships this year in the US?

YES - 100% 23% more likely YES 25% more likely NO 27% NO - 100% 24%


Pavel Flaisig
U Mlýna 1, 14100 Prague 4
Czech Republic
phone: +420 777 313 177


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