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Introduction »Tools» HUDY Slot Tire Truer


HUDY Slot Tire Truer



In Stock: 10 ks
Availability: to order 3-4 weeks
Product no.: H_103100
Manufacturer: Hudy
our price:
220.00 EUR

into the basket:

Full specifications

• best selling tire truer in the slot car market
• black hard-anodized surface with Hudy’s traditionally high quality and stylish looks
• adjustable grinding of tire diameter and angle
• adjustable tire width (using covered slicing needle)
• specially-designed and manufactured grinding drum for highest-quality grinding
• for foam tires
• spindle shaft and wheel axle are ball-bearing supported to eliminate all vibrations during operation
• installed slave motor, switch box, and connection cable
• both wheel axles 1/8" + 3/32" included
• new improved long-lifespan handy carrying case

Tire truer is not in stock - only for ordering 3-4 weeks.


Views and questions VISITORS

Roel Bozon
15.11.2022 13:56
31.10.2022 18:06
Graham Hanslip
27.09.2022 21:56